Profile Picturelaulaurel

60 day Program

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Who Am I?

My name is Laurel Lau and I am a transformational coach. Essentially, I facilitate the release of energy blockages in the minds of my clients to prepare them to attract and receive more in life.

My Personal Path to Fulfillment and Joy

As a child, I felt lost. My primary emotions were sadness and fear. Being part of a traditional Chinese family meant that I had been taught to suppress negative feelings rather than openly explore and resolve them so I lived with the tension of my emotions for a very long time. In fact, I came to believe that I was the source of the sadness and fear in my life.

Admitting that I had a problem was not an option in my culture or my family at the time. I was frightened at the prospect of speaking to someone about it and I felt shame over being unable to ignore my emotions and simply carry on.

I recognized that I had talent; I realized I had a competitive nature, I longed to achieve great things…but I did not have the knowledge or tools to break free from my emotional prison and improve my chaotic home life, have healthier relationships, make better friends, or find the right career.

Steps Toward a Life of My Own Creation

At the age of 12, I began to read self-help books thinking they would reveal solutions to my sadness and fear. But they only increased my feelings of inadequacy by making me question why I could not simply “let go” of my negative emotions and be confident.

When I was a bit older, I contemplated psychotherapy, but knew instinctively that that process would only result informally labeling my negative emotions as “my problems”. I began yoga at 19 which increased my flexibility and strength, but did nothing to improve my self-image.

Finally, at the age of 22, I discovered the process of energy clearing. Energy is the underlying reality of everything around us – everything we view as real. I learned that energy blocks – whether a subtle sensation of uneasiness about our surroundings or tangible tightness and heaviness in our bodies – begin as unexplored feelings or unresolved thoughts and build over time into full-blown unhappiness. When negative energy blocks occur in our minds and bodies, we become paralyzed and unable to move forward.

How Energy Clearing Changed Me

Over years of studying and practicing energy clearing with the help of experienced one-on-one coaches, I learned that negative energy blocks were preventing me from having the productive, joyful life I wanted.

I discovered that I could identify the blocks and analyze them with a very non-judgmental awareness, becoming neutral toward them. And once I became neutral toward them, I could suddenly see them as temporary and changeable – as things over which I had power. I could lighten and release these blocks that were standing in the way of my success.

I was unlearning my story through the practice. I was unloading my burdens. I was exchanging negative energy for positivity and joy. With the release of negativity, my mind was free and beautifully open. I was ready for the wonderful things the universe wanted to bring to me.

Instead of sadness and fear, I felt joy. For once, I believed the world was made of love. And I felt my heart swell with gratitude for the world around me. This deep gratefulness is still with me to this day.

My Current Philosophy

I believe that we can live our best life and experience the fullest joy only when we accept ourselves for who we are instead of seeing ourselves through the judgement of others. That means we must let go of and release the labels that other people put on us and the expectations they have of us.

Once these are gone, we are able to move through life making better choices, setting and reaching higher goals and achieving our true dreams.

Energy blocks are temporary. They are changeable. Once we realize this and experience energy clearing, we bring self-empowerment and soul wellness into our lives.

Will Energy Clearing Work for You?

Energy clearing will work for everyone. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, whether you are male or female, or what sort of job you have. Energy is energy. And everyone benefits from energy clearing.

Ask yourself these questions…

Do you feel uncomfortable openly defining what you want in life, career, and relationships?

Are you feeling hopeless about having a passionate love life or the perfect job?

Are you feeling burdened by the simple realities of your current life?

Do you feel misunderstood by family, friends and co-workers?

Do you work in a competitive industry that is physically and mentally demanding and that requires constant peak performance?

Are you starting to show outward signs of anxiety and irritability?

Are you having difficulties sleeping?

Are you afraid that you are going to reach old age and have deep regrets about your life choices?

Do your key relationships fall short of what you want them to be and believe they can be?

Or have you taken some time off from your normal life but are now ready to get back on your ‘A’ game?

If you answered yes to any of these questions...I know exactly how you feel. And I can provide the answers you need.

How I Help My Clients

Through my energy clearing processes, I will enable you to see the barriers behind which you have been hiding and that are preventing you from having the life you want.

I will help you in being 100% truthful about the things in your life you want and need to change. I will make it possible for you to be completely true to who you are.

We will work together to find and clear all negative energy blocks in a non-judgmental, free-flowing way and that will result in a series of empowering lightbulb moments that happen in total calmness.

The Results You Can Expect

You will uncover the experiences that brought you to a place of fear and a feeling of unhappiness.

You will let go of negative beliefs about yourself and others.

You will look at yourself without judgment.

You will become able to take action and move forward without push-pull tension and doubt.

You’ll draw strength and clarity from your challenges instead of becoming paralyzed by them.

You will discover strengths and talents you may not have realized you have.

You will come to know yourself better and be able to know the direction you should take in life.

Your self-awareness and self-knowledge will grow.

You will be at peace and a positive state of “flow”.

Praise from Clients

International Executive and CEO

“Laurel was the first person to get me to say out loud what I wanted in a husband. I always knew, but I thought it was impossible to find such a man. I felt so uncomfortable telling someone how high my standards were, but it was my truth.

What Laurel helped me realize was that I still had many layers of details that I needed to become conscious of and bring to the surface so that my ideal man could find me. Laurel got me to see the barriers that I had been hiding behind.

Lo and behold, within a month, I had three incredibly accomplished men begin courting me. What was most exciting was that it was not just my personal life that changed. Everything in my life began to feel easier, freer and more enjoyable.

Why? Because Laurel helped me to be 100% honest and genuine to who I am at a level that I had never gone before. When that happened, the energy I started to put out changed and I began to attract what was right for me.

Thank you Laurel – I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders and that I can now finally achieve my dreams by simply being me.”

Gwenda Philips, Executive and Investor, Australia

“Laurel is a phenomenally insightful and natural coach who has the unique ability to enable people to discover their limitless potential and feel profoundly confident in who they are and what they can achieve by just by being their authentic self.

I have seen her work and had many peer discussions with her. Every conversation leaves you feeling more empowered to achieve your real dreams than you ever felt before.

I have the utmost respect for her work and ability to help people become the leader and creator of their own lives. You owe it to yourself to reach out and work with this amazing lady.”

Malden Bu, Project Manager, London

“I really enjoyed and benefited from the session with Laurel. I have had other personal development and life coaching sessions before. However, having an energy clearing session was different as it did not just work on taking action and moving forward by pushing through. It went a bit deeper as it prompts you to let those things that are holding you back go.

Before the session, I was thinking about what I wanted to work on, and I thought that I would work something out that will just make me push through my blockers. However, Laurel's approach worked with my fears and blockers and rather than just pushing through, she helped me to release those negative parts and make room for new possibilities (or the same ones but without all the stress and pressure). After the session, I felt a lot lighter and relaxed. It was like a weight was lifted and I could think outside of this box that I had put myself into.

I highly recommend working with Laurel, even within one session I felt like I released some of my blockers and was more ready to take action and move forward, without having to push or pull myself into shape. I just felt more at peace and in a state of flow with myself. Further to that, she facilitated the session beautifully. I felt truly heard and understood and even though it was a phone call, she could pick up on my energy at every point. It was a great experience; I recommend it.”

Sarah Rawton, Lawyer turned Analyst, London

“Working with Laurel Lau has simply been enlightening. Several years ago I had a severe car accident and have subsequently invested a lot of time and money on my recovery and health, to get me back on my ‘A’ game and allow me to continue to work in the competitive industries that I love, but that are physically and mentally demanding to require high energy and peak performance (which in this connected day and age is increasingly many industries and work environments).

So even after all this work I was surprised how much my initial session with Laurel quickly picked up additional negative mindsets or views and self-limiting beliefs, I was unwittingly holding on to. The best thing was that this process with her allowed me to release them simply in a non-judgmental and free flowing way … like a series of empowering lightbulb moments happening in total calmness allowing me to embrace better more positive and empowering beliefs easily.

Laurel has depth, maturity, authenticity and insightfulness coupled with a kind, warm, and even temperament that allows you to look at yourself without guilt or judgment, and move on to letting go of these negative beliefs and energy and then replacing it with something much better and positive.

This has been invaluable for me and surprisingly an enjoyable process. I look forward to intermittently touching base with her in an ongoing way to make sure I’m keeping on track and not allowing self-limiting beliefs, or negative energy creeps back in while I’m busy making the very best of this beautiful gift of life.”

Amro Diab, Tech Professional

“Before the session, I was substantially stressed. I had recently been through a hard time, resulting in various symptoms such as heart palpitations, anxiety and irritability, and difficulties sleeping. I had lived with these symptoms for several weeks and needed a way to relax and deal with the situation in a better way.

Although I had done a little research into what energy healing was, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, and how exactly it would help me, but was willing to try. Within the first 10 minutes of the session, I was far less tense and began to relax. I closed my eyes and began to reflect on my recent experiences. By the end of the session my heart rate had returned to normal and I was no longer feeling irritated or anxious as I was previously.

After the session, I was feeling much more energetic and was feeling slightly more content with my life. Several hours later, I took a short nap and was still very much relaxed. It has now been almost a week since the session, and I am still very much stress-free. Although it has not magically solved all of the life's problems, I believe it has given me a chance to pause, and reflect on current events, and deal with them in a better way, while enjoying life at the same time.

Laurel is clearly experienced in this area. She ensured that I was comfortable before the session began, and I understood what it was about. I would highly recommend to anyone who is going through a difficult time in their life or has experienced any amount of stress.”

What the 60-Day Package Includes

In my 60-Day Package, we will work together intensely for two months, holding weekly sessions that are one hour in length. Elements of our time together include

A 30-Minute Assessment/Intake Session

Eight 1-Hour Sessions To Remove Blockages From Your Mind

Sleeping Audio Tapes For Clearing Your Mind

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